
happy friday before halloween :)

i'm wearing an orange shirt today! and white boy-cut underwear with an orange band, candy corn on the side, and the word "Sweet" written on the ass! ok ok, i know that's too much useless information, but i thought i'd share it with you girls anyways ;)

rups - i miss you! i feel like i haven't seen you all week. wanna schedule a 15 min starbucks or toys r us run later in the day? i wanna try to leave at like 4, though, so i can meet up with my mom and aunt. their plan is to start the day at chinatown, then work their way up broadway, walking around and doing some shopping. hopefully they'll make it up to ~34th st or so, and i'll meet up with them there when i'm done with work.

meg - how's edgar's grandmother doing? come visit! you should come visit next weekend, since ekta will be here too. we can have a little reunion :) i sent cari a bday card yesterday. she bought me a bday present (a U.Mich long sleeve), so i felt that the least i could do was send her a card.

good morning!

hi girlies :)

it's friday! woo hoo! megan- if you can, call me, otherwise, i'll stay on AIM so we can chat. :) i left you a happy message this mornin.

happy friday everyone!


have fun nush!

rupa and megan, if you guys go to boston, i DEMAND that you bring us back cheesy t-shirts! i'm soo tired. my mom's flight was delayed, so now i get to go home in a little bit and take a little nappy-nap :)

bye girls, have a good weekend!

t shirts

you girls should get me and jules cheesy shirts too :)

thank god for my cousin

he will be here that weekend that ekta will be, so i can avoid her and not feel bad :) he dev and i are going to philly early sat morn and will be back early sunday...but friday night we are going out in the city - preferably not with ekta or any kappa sigs :)

i dont know what to do with my vacation :( i wanted to go to paris with dev but my parents were totally not happy when i tried to slip that into conversation the other day - we fought about it a lot...my other idea was just to go home and hang out - to get over the feeling i get when dev gets to spend a week in stl or you get to go to miami from wed - mon etc...but now that they arent letting me go to paris im mad at them and dont really want to go home. hopefully that subsides...if anything i think dev and i may go to montreal for a weekend and ill go home for half a week or something...but its hard to find 8 days to take off in one month, esp when everyone will be off around then...

have you and jackie talked abotu new years more? megan what are your thoughts on that? jackie talked to me abotu it the other day but in a very the thoguht of it is depressing me kind of way...

megan - i wasnt saying you were insensitive! i just wanted some clarification :) now, rupa are you going??

here now :)

Sorry! Been in meetings all day :)

I would still want to go to Boston! But I agree.. I don't know about driving if the grandma is sick :) Let me knwo what you want to do. Megan, I'll call you tonight and we can decide.

I brought lunch today.. which makes me happy. Here's to not spending 8 bucks a day on crappy lunch :)

i kinda want a cheesy tshirt too.. my sister got me a fenway park hat yesterday (thinking that i'd be up there this weekend) but now i want a hat that just has the picture of sox on the front.. and i want one of those cheesy ts :) maybe we should go this weekend just to get shirts.. hmm...

yay! i can't believe they did it! i've been in the clouds all day... back to work.. talk to you all in a bit.


the sick grandma

here's the deal.
she's in the hospital and has been since tuesday night. hopefully she'll be out . . . well, today actually. obviously, if she is still in the hospital i'm not even asking him to go. i did meet up with him last night and give him crumb cake from the vending machine (because he said it sounded good) and loan him a book so he'd have something to do! i'm not a completely heartless girlfriend . . . :(

vactaion days

vacation days are awesome. nush, any ideas what you're going to do with your free days in december? are you still thinking of going away after your test?

speaking of vacations. . .ekta is going to be in town the first weekend in november. are you going to be around? i told her she could stay with us :)

blah. i can't believe it's already 2. i have so much work to do, but i'm finding it impossible to focus today! blah blah blah. . .


isnt his grandmother sick though?? seems like a lot to ask to take you all the way to boston when his grandma is sick???

and yes, IM is like cheating - cause then you guys stop blogging, and i get no distraction, its not fair :)

3 more hours and im outta here!!! and i have 8 vaca days for december. i cant wait

where's rupa?

are you going to go to boston anyway this weekend? the parade is *most likely* going to be on saturday . . . :) :) :)

im = cheating?

hmmm . . .
ok, we stopped just for you :)

no IM!

thats like cheating on me and i dont like it!

not nice computer

back to the regular one . . .

so, i should go down the hall and sign up for the OTHER analysis machine i need to use . . . but i'm hoping its all booked and i have to wait until tomorrow because i don't feel like doing it today . . . yup, that's right - i just don't feel like it!

and julie responded to my im!!!!!

nice computer

i'm on the new fancy computer they have hooked up to the $80,000 machine looking at my samples . . . technically, i think i'm finished . . . but i just opened our blog and this computer moves so much faster than mine . . . i couldn't help but post here!!!

it's a perfect fall day in rochester - not warm, but not so cold that you are comfortable walking around. and its sooo sunny out! one of the girls in my lab is doing her thesis defense today and i said i'd help set up for the party - that is the ONLY reason i'm still here . . . i was here 12 hours yesterday and that makes me not want to be here today :)

time to give up the nice computer . . . :(

what was wrong with it?

i leave at 5 today to go get some dinner then head to jfk...

i cant believe they won yesterday! thats awesome, what a way to end the curse...

i had bad cramps and was just tired so i didnt study much, i just packed and watched the game, fell asleep around the 8th inning...

if you dare try again...

the blog should work now :)



good morning! i think i'm missing some blogs.. i see the email about blogs but no blogs. how are you all???? do you think the series will end tonight? :)

i posted at 8 30 am!

where is it?? this thing drives me nuts sometimes....

i posted at 8 30 am!

i love manicures

i've been wanting to get one for a few weeks now, but i never seem to find the time to do it! oh well, i'm glad you like your light pink nails :)

yea, i'd thought about taking the GREs a while back, but i've decided that i don't really want to go back to school right now, so there isn't really a point.

it's so quiet here this morning. . .and i already completed my absentee ballot! now all i have to do is mail it today and i'm all set. aren't you guys proud of me??? it's the first time i've ever voted :)

productive but still not there yet...

i studied for almost 5 hours straight yesterday, with minor breaks to watch the cards get their asses kicked and to eat dinner...

it seems endless though :( i cant wait till its over...

today after work jackie and i are gonna go look at halloween stuff and then ill go home, pack, and study...i leave tomorrow at 8 pm on jet blue - i was all excited cause i thought id get to watch the game, but they dont get fox on their direct tv!!!


sun in rochester :)

thats good you were totally depressed with the rain last week!!

i'm a big slacker!

i sort of screwed up, and i don't care.
i'm leaving right now because i want to and it's sunny.


i miss it too...i at least read some of the new yorker while im on the train, but now i need to just go through flashcards and stuff...

you were thinking of taking the gmat or gre at some point werent you? i think we talked about it when i started studying...

i got my nails done during "lunch" light pink for a change - i have been doing bright red the last few times :) the lady had issues with her cell phone bill and doesnt speak much english so she had me call verizon for her! i have to call and complain about my bill enough i couldnt belive i couldnt just relax for once...and she took forever cause of that...anyway they wouldnt give me any info cause its her friends account, she just uses the phone...that was my good deed for the day :)

no, i'm not sad

thanks nush, but i'm ok. i'm just tired. i guess going out of town so much and having people visit is wearing me down. i'd be more excited about halloween if my mom and aunt weren't going to be here, but since they are, i'd rather just stay home with them and watch a movie or something.

don't worry, i'm still happy julie! just a little more anti-social. i just realized last night that all i do when i come home is watch mindless tv - i don't even read anymore, and i love reading! (and no, i'm not talking just about cosmo). so last night i started a new book that my dad recommended, Identity. the author is milan kundera (or something like that). he wrote "The unbearable lightness of being", which i think is a pretty known book. i liked it, so now i'll try reading this one. reading for 30 mins before going to bed last night made me so much happier than watching tv :)


jules, whats wrong?? this is all very unlike you...i mean if i tried to crawl under a rock and hide cause it was halloween that would be expected, but you usually love this stuff? sorry if i havent been more observant around the apt if you have been sad! i guess im just in my own world where i come home, eat and go to my room and close the door...

no more meetings

so all my meetings for today got cancelled after all :) which means i have more time to blog and to dig through all the new email.

my mom is doing fine. her surgery wasn't serious, just delicate. my mom has about 50%hearing in one ear and had about 10% in the other. she had surgery on the 10% ear yesterday that might hopefully restore more of her hearing (bring her up to about 80%). basically they cut the ear drum down the middle and then put a splint on it and bend it so that the new angle makes it almost like she has hearing like a normal person. so the actual procedure only took about 2 hrs, but they don't let you move at all or eat or anything the first day so that you don't vibrate it. and then you have to stay horizontal for 2 weeks while it heals. i guess cuz it's so little they don't want you to have any sudden movements or to hear any loud noises :)

so she's home this morning and fine. there were a few random complcations but all were fixed yesterday.. she just has to stay in bed for a while and not talk at all... which will be the hard part :) i've never seen her even sleep in so i don't know how she'll stay in bed when the rest of her feels ok.. and i've never seen her be quiet :)

i hope the sox do it this year. and i hope that's a sign that kerry's gonna win too :) lunch next week is fine anytime.

megan- i hope i see you this weekend!!! if you guys need a place to stay, although i'm sure there's a fair number of MITers to visit, my sister has an extra futon that you could share. look at that! rupa's planning 4 days in advance! scary :)

welcome back, rups!

come visit me! i hope your mom's feeling better :)

nush, lunch next week sounds good. not tuesday,though. tuesdays are usually pretty busy.

you guys should all go to boston! i'll be jealous, but i guess you guys can go anyways.

i don't think i'm going to ameya's party. i don't have a costume, i don't feel like looking for a costume, and my mom and aunt will be here, so i just want to make it a low-key weekend and hang out with them. i'm feeling a little tired and partied-out right now. i think i just need to relax on my own, be anti-social for a bit until i snap out of it.


rupa, it was nice to talk to you :) i cant believe we work like 10 blocks away and i still never see you...then again i barely see julie and i walk through her room 10 times a day...

im free for lunch next week on tues, thurs, or friday (friday my cousin will be here so hell prob come midtown for lunch too, but i kinda want to just see you (and julie if she is free too)...so pick one of those days!!

megan, if the games end before next weekend edgar should just drive you to NYC to hang out with julie and rupa :)

and there are games tonight, tomorrow, AND thursday....so it could end tomorrow if the sox get lucky :)

rupa is CRAZY!

is your mom ok?! i hope it wasn't super serious :( i'm glad you got to go home for a little to be with her - i hope your work load isn't too crazy because of it :(

i feel the same way about the trip to boston. if the sox are there, so will i. if they aren't, then i'll stay in rochester.

i'm back :)

hi everyone

i'm back! i have to run to a meeting this morning (blah) but wanted to say hi!! megan- i am DEFINITELY going to boston this weekend if the series lasts longer than thursday :) it would be really fun to hang out there! i almost went on saturday to watch game one, but then decided it was too far to go and come back to philly. hopefully the sox just win tonight and thursday :) in which case i'm gonna stay in NYC... or we could go to boston anyway. it will be REALLY fun to watch it there so if the series goes into fri/sat, i'm gonna be there. yay!

jules- i'll come visit in a lil bit. nush- i got our tickets.. sorry i didn't have time to call this weekend.

i was home this weekend/yesterday b/c my mom had surgery yesterday. she's fine now.. came home this morning.. has been a lil sick and can't really talk, but she's good. i was feeding her yogurt this morning and she was laughing a lil about how ironic it is :)

anyway.. have to go start my day :( but happy tuesday!! i'll write more in the afternoon. go sox!

ameya's party?

you arent going to that on sat? it sounds like so much fun!!

i think i may just be a butterfly again...thats the easiest...there is a rickys near here, so if i get time during lunch i may go there, but maybe ill call jackie and just do it after work so she has someone to hang out with for at least an hour or so :) ill see...in one month ill be fun! (at least for two months...then it starts again...)

he is actually doing well. he misses her obviously but he spent a lot of time finding himself again and remembering and realizing all the stuff he was willing to give up for her, but now he doesnt have to...and he is actually seeing someone now! she is colombian (from bogota, moved here like 3 years ago). the problem there is he is happy to have someone that he is interested in, but she is waaay too into it for him...he speaks to her in spanish and she talks to him in english so they can both improve :) isnt that cute? i love him :)


ahhh, the giveaways at career fairs. d. e. shaw gives out rubics cubes with d. e. shaw printed on them. apparently, they were the hot item at the harvard career fair.

nush - i don't know if i'm going to be able to go halloween shopping with you guys. i've basically decided i'm not doing anything for halloween, anyways. today and tomorrow after work i'm going to the gym, so i'll probably be home too late to go shopping. and i'm need to help my bro and my dad work on some stuff this week, so i'm not going to have too much free time. i think jackie's frustrated cause i get home so late everyday and she doesn't, so she's always well-rested after her afternoon nap, whereas i'm exhausted and don't really feel like doing anything. yesterday she was like, "i'm going to have to find someone else to go out with because you and anusha are always home". oh well.

nush, how's liam doing with the breakup? is he still heartbroken?

stupid mouse

so, i have a wireless mouse that eun gave me, but i think the batteries are dying so i keep having to play with it so that it works!

i was supposed to get samples like . . . now. actually, they were supposed to be here about an hour ago. but they aren't. i think i might call the nurse and just see how long she is expecting to take . . . because technically, eun wanted me to go to a lab meeting with her - she wanted me to just walk in an hour late, because that was about the time she was expecting to start her part. but i thought i was going to be 40 minutes into processing the blood by now . . . instead, i haven't even gotten it.

there is an investment fair going on downstairs. like, fidelity and different banks - big companies wanting people with normal size paychecks to invest their money there. metlife is down there - with little snoopie beanie babies! i want one. i will get one . . .hopefully, the blood will get here in the next five minutes and i'll process the blood instead of go to the meeting and while its centrifuging, i'll go down with courtney.


i think he is the best guy i have ever met (i think ameya is a close second...) i had dinner with him last night at sushi samba (we went to blue ribbon first but there was an hour wait!! jules, when your diet is over we should go) and just everything he says and does is so cute...

anyway 3 more days of this and im outta here!

jules, jackie and i were talking about going halloween shopping one of these days (meaning today or tomorrow...) any preference? im cancelling dinner with chris today, i have to study, watch baseball...


doing all things athletic

at the risk of sounding less impressive, i will point out that i was playing all those sports with a four year old . . . a four year old who cheats by the way . . . so, everything was fisher price big plastic stuff, and i was really just chasing a little boy more than playing.

but i do ROCK CLIMB now!!!! i'd say that's even better!!!!!!!!!!


was here for a little bit in the morning, but now she's back in philly. i think she may be back tomorrow, although i'm not sure. she was in philly for the weekend, then drove in this morning to get some stuff done. i haven't seen her or spoken to her much, so that's all i know :)

my blogs arent posting...

i think i may just boycott...

the last one i remember was asking julie if she knew where rupa was...

i think i wrote another one but they are kind of a spur of the moment thing that thinking and trying to rewrite it sucks.

jules, where is rupa?


i can't imagine you. . .

doing athletic activitites like playing baseball, hockey, basketbal. . .

go megan! ;)


yeah, that's him.
it was a car :)


yeah, it was a car.
there aren't that many kids in the family, we've got to fight over the few we have :) but when he was first born, i was in boston so i only saw him twice a year. steve was an hour away, so he saw him a lot more. but now nicky likes me best!!!
muhahaha (evil laugh)


you been trying to get that kids attention from the day he was born :) wasnt there some thing with him and a train that he only wanted you to have a train?


thats who sent the flower!!! it was pretty too, i was excited, now im grossed out. it was at our doorstep - how the hell did he get in our building?!?!?!?!

i cant wait to see the pics though :)

megan that sounds like so much fun...but ill be in seattle - i leave thurs night at 8, get back mon morn at 8....

random story

so, this weekend i went to buffalo . . .
saturday, i went over to my cousins and spent the afternoon playing with her 4 year old. he was born january of our freshman year. as a baby, he saw more of steve's gf missy and favored her. my aunt and i (his great aunt, not his grandmother) thought that was horrible and went on a crusade to make him like us best. i am working at it harder than she is . . . i spent the afternoon playing baseball, hockey, basketball, writing out the alphabet and numbers in chalk . . . by the time we went inside, nicky asked if he could sit in my lap :) i am SO the favorite over missy! (she was there this whole time . . .) steve is my cousin's other kid's godfather, so i figure he and missy are already going to win that one over . . . but i am def winning the nicky war :)

trying to email my blog

hi girls, I just wanted to see if this works. nush, if it does, you can
try using this if you keep getting those error messages. I'm copying
and pasting rupa's instructions to us from her first "how to blog"

3. By email This part is SO cool!! Only don't just use this, otherwise
it's just like using email :) From any email account (or your phone) you
can send a message to the following email address:
.carrie@blogger.comand it will add your message to the

anyways, megan - yea, the fact that he sent her pics is really creepy.
one of the pictures was sooo gross!! it was him, in a bathrobe, leaning
against a balcony or something, with the robe kind of open so you could
see all his disgusting hairy chest! now, maybe 40 year old women are
into that, but I think it's just gross!


so i tried emailing in my blog by following the instructions rupa sent us a while ago, but it still hasn't come up :(

maybe it just takes a bit longer. . .that was about 15 mins ago though! oh well, lets see if it appears at some point during the day.

i emailed julesjj.carrie@blogger.com . . .

still holding out for rupa

come on rupa - boston if the red sox are still playing this weekend?
you'd go if it were a hair appointment . . . this is WAAAAY bigger :)

he sent her pics?

see . . . that is creepy not because he's 46, but because it's just creepy . . . you give a picture of yourself to a girl when she asks for it, not for the heck of it. and even to ask for it . . . that's sort of weird without a reasonable explanation.


i would be there in a heartbeat if my mom and aunt weren't flying up this weekend! i would love to be in boston for all this craziness! you all know i hate missing a good party ;)

ooh, that reminds me of a funny story. so when i was out last thurs night with deanna and jackie, i get a text message from ekta that says, "i love the cock." now, we all know this isn't typical ekta behavior, so i call ekta up to see what's going on. i was a little drunk that night, too, so i don't remember talking to her or to ray dantes so much; but apparently, i spoke to both of them. ekta was in boston i guess for her bday / red sox celebration. sounded like they were all having a good time. brad (from the hamptons) has tickets to game 6 in boston (if they make it that far).

meg, i can't believe you're coming to boston and i won't be able to meet up with you!

ewww - a 40yr old!

wow nush, i can't believe it! i guess arturo (who is not the most mature person in the planet) must have completely turned her off 20-somethings. oh well, as long as she's happy. is the 40yr old good looking, at least?

jackie has a 46 year old man totally infatuated with her at work, and she's completely grossed out by the idea of it! he sent her a really pretty flower and pics of himself this weekend (so that she could show her friends what he looks like). creepy, huh?

meg, we didn't run into este and the guys. turns out este didn't end up going to nc (i don't know why). peter talked to gaby, one of the guys, and they were going to meet up during halftime, but that never happened. jackie and evelyn saw them while they were driving in the car, but the guys didn't see them. i think it's weird they didn't call or anything, but oh well, i don't really care.

the drive was so pretty! needless to say, there aren't too many trees in nyc, so i hadn't even noticed that all the leaves were changing color already!

nush and rupa - i think we might be meeting up with brad either today or tomorrow to watch the baseball game (in case either of you are interested). then my mommy and my aunt are coming on thurs! nush, that's too bad that you won't be here :( when are you leaving to seattle?


all i'm doing is mindless copying #s from a sheet of paper and then onto an excel sheet. i would love to have a dvd player in this computer . . . and a series of dvds . . . so i could at least find some way of entertaining myself.

i'm wearing the black pants that i bought while you guys were here. i think i need to name them my sexy pants . . . i love them :) jessie is borrowing the shirt that i bought/wore that weekend this weekend. she is going to dc to visit friends (and the guy she's in love with) so they'll go out at some point and apparently she feels a little self conscious among the heavily dressed up people in her normal attire . . . so, she bought a strapless bra for a wedding she's in, she tried it on with that shirt and she has boobs galore. she was excited.

i might go to boston this weekend! if the red sox are playing this friday night, edgar wants to drive there as soon as i get out of work to be there to experience the mayhem (he's a red sox fan - who knew!) sooo . . . if boston is playing on friday, i think you guys should go too! ok, maybe not anusha since she needs to study . . . but julie and rupa? boston? moments notice? chaos and mayhem of hardcore red sox fans?

and then my computer freaks out again....

each time i try to upload it says error uploading blah blah blah, and then it uploads 3 times, loses old uploads from the past etc....

older men :)

i called megan to tell her this over the weekend cause i couldnt handle it anymore, but the highlight of my weekend was friday night at the wedding reception, im sitting there talking to ameya and some work people, def tipsy, and i keep looking at this tall blond girl cause she looks sooo much like lil meghan - well rightfully so, cause it was lil meg!!! apparently she met this 40 year old guy at csfb while she interned there and they are dating! yup no more arture, just our meg who just turned 21 or 22 and her 40 year old bf who is friends with allen, my 45 yr old boss!!! soooo weird and soooo gross! :)

we left the party around 12, and called steveo and stuff but they were all just at home drinking so i told ameya id rather just go home. jules- now i know how jackie feels when she is alone all weekend - i dont like it - the apt is so old that it makes random noises and when you are alone, and drunk, thats pretty scary. plus with this whole time warner thing im freaked out that the guy and his friends etc hate us and know where we live...

i went home at like 5 am on fri and was there by 830, went to the temple, went out for bagels, came home and studied, and hung out with my family. it was nice. i cant believe my grandparents have left already...its sad that i dont know when ill see them again...

on the way to JFK to drop them off my parents dropped me off at stanford and i took the train...came home, went to j crew to get my suit altered and then ate/studied/watched the pathetic game. im not mad cause i dont really care about baseball, but its annoying to watch both teams play so miserably. the sox were playing so well against the yanks, it just seems like they are winning now cause the cards are just playing bad. its sort of pathetic to watch...hopefully the rest of the games are less pathetic...

tonight im having dinner with liam, he is coming by the apt to see it then we will go out for a quick bite to eat...

im not that busy but i get bored checking this thing when people write so infrequently, so i force myself to only check once in an hour and a half :)

older men

i called megan to tell her this over the weekend cause i couldnt handle it anymore, but the highlight of my weekend was friday night at the wedding reception, im sitting there talking to ameya and some work people, def tipsy, and i keep looking at this tall blond girl cause she looks sooo much like lil meghan - well rightfully so, cause it was lil meg!!! apparently she met this 40 year old guy at csfb while she interned there and they are dating! yup no more arture, just our meg who just turned 21 or 22 and her 40 year old bf who is friends with allen, my 45 yr old boss!!! soooo weird and soooo gross! :)

we left the party around 12, and called steveo and stuff but they were all just at home drinking so i told ameya id rather just go home. jules- now i know how jackie feels when she is alone all weekend - i dont like it - the apt is so old that it makes random noises and when you are alone, and drunk, thats pretty scary. plus with this whole time warner thing im freaked out that the guy and his friends etc hate us and know where we live...

i went home at like 5 am on fri and was there by 830, went to the temple, went out for bagels, came home and studied, and hung out with my family. it was nice. i cant believe my grandparents have left already...its sad that i dont know when ill see them again...

on the way to JFK to drop them off my parents dropped me off at stanford and i took the train...came home, went to j crew to get my suit altered and then ate/studied/watched the pathetic game. im not mad cause i dont really care about baseball, but its annoying to watch both teams play so miserably. the sox were playing so well against the yanks, it just seems like they are winning now cause the cards are just playing bad. its sort of pathetic to watch...hopefully the rest of the games are less pathetic...

tonight im having dinner with liam, he is coming by the apt to see it then we will go out for a quick bite to eat...

im not that busy but i get bored checking this thing when people write so infrequently, so i force myself to only check once in an hour and a half :)

older men

i called megan to tell her this over the weekend cause i couldnt handle it anymore, but the highlight of my weekend was friday night at the wedding reception, im sitting there talking to ameya and some work people, def tipsy, and i keep looking at this tall blond girl cause she looks sooo much like lil meghan - well rightfully so, cause it was lil meg!!! apparently she met this 40 year old guy at csfb while she interned there and they are dating! yup no more arture, just our meg who just turned 21 or 22 and her 40 year old bf who is friends with allen, my 45 yr old boss!!! soooo weird and soooo gross! :)

we left the party around 12, and called steveo and stuff but they were all just at home drinking so i told ameya id rather just go home. jules- now i know how jackie feels when she is alone all weekend - i dont like it - the apt is so old that it makes random noises and when you are alone, and drunk, thats pretty scary. plus with this whole time warner thing im freaked out that the guy and his friends etc hate us and know where we live...

i went home at like 5 am on fri and was there by 830, went to the temple, went out for bagels, came home and studied, and hung out with my family. it was nice. i cant believe my grandparents have left already...its sad that i dont know when ill see them again...

on the way to JFK to drop them off my parents dropped me off at stanford and i took the train...came home, went to j crew to get my suit altered and then ate/studied/watched the pathetic game. im not mad cause i dont really care about baseball, but its annoying to watch both teams play so miserably. the sox were playing so well against the yanks, it just seems like they are winning now cause the cards are just playing bad. its sort of pathetic to watch...hopefully the rest of the games are less pathetic...

tonight im having dinner with liam, he is coming by the apt to see it then we will go out for a quick bite to eat...

im not that busy but i get bored checking this thing when people write so infrequently, so i force myself to only check once in an hour and a half :)

on the weekend

no este and company sightings?

busy monday morning?

goodmorning girls :)

i had such a fun weekend. we definitely missed out on a lot by going to a school where the concept of sports is completely foreign. the football game was sat night at 8pm. people started tailgating at like noon. need i say more?

we didn't start tailgating until about 4. we met up with some of evelyn's friends - one of them was from miami, so a lot of his friends from miami were in town, too. turns out they went to one of the catholic high schools in miami, so of course we knew each of them or their cousins or something. we created our own little miami party in the parking lot full of nc state students. when we were walking around earlier, it was just peter and us 4 girls (me, jackie, evelyn and her gf, deanna). anyways, nc state people weren't too excited about seeing miami fans walking around (although deanna and evelyn were both wearing nc state colors). peter had a beer bottle and two footballs thrown at him, so that wasn't so cool. poor peter. he couldn't do anything since he didn't think the 4 girls would back him up. oh well.

anyways, after we met up with the little miami crew, we definitely turned up the spanish music and started to salsa in the parking lot. no one else was even playing music! we definitely lived up to all the miami/hispanic stereotypes about us being loud and obnoxious ;)

miami won the football game (of course). after the game, we all had huge headaches since we'd been drinking all day, but then we stopped once the game started. jackie and deanna stayed home, but evelyn, peter and i decided to tough it out and we went to a party, anyways. it was at evelyn's friend's apt (the one from miami), so there was really good music, tons of alcohol, and miami boys that know how to dance :)

all in all, a great weekend. now i'm sad it's monday morning, i'm at work, and i need to start the south beach diet again today (we gave up trying to stick with it over the weekend, cause there's no way that was going to happen). blah.

GO SOX!!! ;)

good morning my lovelies!

so, julie should be tired buy happy.
anusha should be rested and annoyed that her team is losing.
rupa . . . rupa, i don't know whats up with you . . . but you are probably busy ;)

its rainy out but i'm in a good mood because everyone loves me! the lab has two "prep" students - BS but bad grades/no experience so they can't get into grad school yet. so, they are half students, half technicians to get the better grades/hands on experience to make them ready for grad school. so, one of them presented today. anagha has to work with her a lot - she came over to talk to eun while i was talking to her and basically told her that she didn't know how lucky she is that she has me instead of her :)

now, more mindless data processing.

tell me about your weekends!