
Our living room

hey meg - these are for you! look how awesome our living room looks :) all the pictures in the frames are my dad's.

we took these pictures on thursday before rups and ameya came over. the other pictures from the night are in anusha's camera. . .


you guys should fight more often if it means he'll buy us more presents :)

i didn't do much work. now i'm just watching tv. i'm going to put the laptop down now.


jules, dev just bought me a new wireless hub that is supposed to be muuuch faster than our old one

thought youd be excited :)


i told patty id go with her tomorrow to get her car...and its like an hour away!!! this sucks! how am i goign to get any work done!!!

im prob not goign to be home for a while...im gonna go to devs after work, get some laundry started and i think take a nap there...then ill come home after...he is going to some party, and actually invited me to go with him, but i dont want to...im waaaay too tired

i'm working while watching gilmore girls

yay for dvr! and yay for home setups.

rupa had to come home cause her sis will get into town in a little bit, so she said i could sit on her couch and work on her work laptop while she cleans up. this is so much more fun than working at the office :)

nush - you should study at work so you can hang out a little at home tonight :)

i think i will go home

i think i need to ask gen one question.
and then i need to fill out one form (which is half filled out and only a page long) and then i will go home. enough of this sitting at my desk and playing! its useless. i might as well go run my errands and go home instead. . . .

you guys are at home???

and megan is leaving too?? and dev hasnt even gone to work yet!

this sucks.

yay! i'm Blogging from home

well, i'm blogging from rupa's home :)


don't do it!

don't look at the nutritional info! i firmly stand by the saying "ignorance is bliss." going out drinking just makes me want to be so unhealthy the next day. i always just crave greasy bad for you food. if someone looks up the nutritional info for buffalo wings, i think i'll scream. hmm - now you guys are making me feel guilty. maybe i'll force myself to go to the gym after work to make up for the wings i'm going to have tonight. or for the coffee cake i just ate. or for half of rupa's happy meal fries. . .

rupa's hula hello kitty is cute :)

writing down what you eat actually does work. i tried it for a couple of weeks this summer, and you eat so much less when you write it all down! hmm - maybe i'll start doing that again. i usually eat pretty healthy all week. it's the weekends and drinking that kill me. . .

hello kitty

my happy meal toy was the hula hooping hello kitty :)

i gave it to grant.

see it here

i cant keep track...

ive always wanted to keep track, but since i eat so much random indian home cooking and stuff its hard....i tried doing weight watchers when i started working here cause my cousin was doing it, but i couldnt do it...

although ive foudn just writing everything you eat down makes you eat less!!!

all said after a bag of fritos....cause they dont make small size bags of spicy doritos!!!

a warning

i found a default template to set up a calorie counter spread in excel - it has the formulas already set up to type in your recommended total calories and fat and type in everything you ate and it'll do all the subtraction and percentages for you . . . i added in a category for carbs too and was thinking i'd be good and keep track. yeah, all corporate chains now have their nutrition info online. my recommendation is not to check - let yourself pretend. it's painful to see the actual numbers. example - one of the worst things for you - in regards to fat - served at chang's is the salad. that takes the fun out of it!!!!! oh, and don't even get me started on johnny rockett's burger and a milkshake - that'll fill your day's daily allowance of everything except vitamins! so, i say going out to eat is about spoiling yourself. don't look at the calories, it ruins it!

i want mickey ds anyway

what is a hot and spicy chicken sandwich???

chicken select strips are sooooo bad for you....

rupa - what happy meal toy did you get?

nutrition info

just for kicks i went to the mc d's site.. to see what our damage was today :) funny how they have calorie listings on the website now! and i discovered... that you can get a happy meal with an apple and milk instead of fries and coke.. not that we would do that.. mc d's has to be unhealthy :)

for your enjoyment


mickey ds

ive been craving the new chicken select stuff there!!! but after seeing super size me and after feeling like eatign that basically negates working out for a month, i have withheld...but i think ill give in next week...

i really want taco bell this weekend too...i love that it is close to us...

ordering wings sounds good...although jackie and i are on opposite ends of the spectrum! so well have to see how that works out....

wow we are fatties....and im so tired and hung over still that i dont want to work out today :)

stay in and order wings

i just spoke to my boyfriend jackie - she doesn't want to go to a sports bar; looks like she's just as tired as we are. she suggested we watch the game at home and order wing. we'll probably order from that atomic wings place (those are the wings they have at down the hatch). so nush, how does that sound?

testing 123: rupa and i were trying to figure out why my postings always come up with the link to Girls. i guess i just didn't erase the whole html part completely, so that's why it was doing that.

nush, i'm glad the talk was good :)

rupa and i just went for a walk around the block, then went to a mcdonalds that's twice as far as the one around the corner from our building, and we sat in the park while rupa ate her happy meal and i ate her fries. all in all, a good lunch break.


the nap was good, the talk was not fun, but also good. he just doenst communicate well. i told him if what i needed from him last night was too much to ask for then i dont think that i can be in the relationship...he basically was like im just not used to having someone always concerned and living their life around what i do and im not used to having to tell someone things all the time, but that doesnt mean i cant change, and i have to change at some point...blah blah....

i forwarded your part about the yankees blog to him...lets see what he says...although i think i need to go home, nap and then study....but i havent had wings in soooo long! i def want to go to fridays happy hour sometime next week to have half off wings....my treat if either of you will go with me!!!!

why the testing 123?


testing 123 :)

thanks rupie :)


bored too

maybe we'll do the baseball game too :) today is of course my sis's bday.. yay! she's coming in very soon.. which means i'm leaving work very soon... and then maybe we'll meet up with you guys. i miss holden too :(

jules- there's some software i have used that i loved called PodAct or something like that.. i need to look on my laptop at home and see what it is. i'll let you know :) i can't get light in your eyes out of my head now!!!


and i forgot to charge my ipod last night so there's no way it's going to last me another 5 hours :(

on the subject of work load

oh, i def do less work.
on the other hand, from monday at 8:30 to wednesday at 3, i put in . . 27.5 hours in which i was actually doing stuff that whole time. sooo . . . i don't do a whole lot total, and the work i do do seems to come in random spurts.

you actually do less work than i do!

i didn't think that was possible! ;)

nush - yankees vs redsox tonight. i know you wanted to study.. .but wings and baseball! how you can you say no to that?

holden sent rupa and me an email seeing if we wanted to go to riviera to watch the game. i'll go if you and / or peter wanna come. and of course, dev and his friends are invited too. i wanna meet this famous jack :)

i think watching a baseball game and then going home and sleeping sounds like a great way to spend friday night. . .

bored now

ok, i'm bored of being at work now. as soon as i def confirm antibodies, i am going to walk to where dorothy's desk is in my one attempt to talk to her (which i keep trying to pysch myself up to do and never actually get around to it . . . after that, i'm going home! i'm not doing anything. courtney set up a sign up binder for one of the machines that other labs are using that shouldn't be. the only extra binder she found was bright pink and the only tape around was mint green - i said it looked like a watermelon and gen jokingly suggested i draw on seeds. now, at the bottom of the binder is an outline of a watermelon half in green tape, black seeds drawn in and "fruity" written at teh bottom. they told me to go do work . . .

iPods rule

trust me megan, i'm definitely bringing my ipod. i plan on stealing a lot of your music! i haven't found a place to download songs for free. i've actually been purchasing songs on iTunes for a while now. i definitely think it's worth it.

rups - do you know how to take music from an ipod and put it on a computer? i know there's some sort of software you can download to do it, but the last time i tried it it didn't work and i just ended up erasing everything from my ipod.

oh yea - megan, anusha's hair looked awesome last night! we took some pics, so hopefully we'll put those up soon. (they were taken on anusha's camera, though, and she's not the best at sharing her digital pictures).

nush - can rupa and i come nap at dev's too??? nah, just kidding. i think it's good for you guys to talk. i'm sure everything will work out. is he coming to the comedy thing with us tomorrow?

i don't have thge song light in your eyes, but i definitely want to get it from megan :)

yay ipod :)

yay- you should get one. i love mine!! i have light in your eyes.. it's in my morning mix :) but i'm ipod is at home today. i'll upload it later. got to have my meeting with jules today!! yay!


whats going on with your ipod megan?? i havent heard anything about it....maybe you can wait to see mine and julies next weekend and then decide which one you like? mine is green...i love it!

jules - i think i need to go talk to dev...plus im tempted to go there and take a nap :) its probably a bad idea, but either way i need to go talk to him...and i think after talking to you this morning im more calm :) i love my friends, you guys are the best


re: light in your eyes

if julie doesn't have it, i do.
in fact, make sure to bring ipods so everyone can skim through my selection and get new music :) can't promise any amazing finds, but you'll get some new options :)
jules - did you every find a place to download mp3s conveniently? i think once i actually get my ipod, i might just suck it up and do the itunes thing through mac - its only .99 a song . . .

chris vu

HE is on thefacebook.com
and has over 50 pages of friends . . . i know, because i was trying to find the v's to see if johnny v was up :)

i love hanging out with my girls

it was so nice to hang out yesterday! we had a great time. . .too bad dev was a pipi head last night.

nush, do you want to meet up for lunch later? i brought a sandwich, but i can bring it and eat with you wherever you want. rupa doesn't have a couch anymore (sad, i know), which is why i had to show up to work at 10:30 this morning. i love working somewhere flexible :)

i'm supposed to go out and party again tonight, but i really really dont want to do that again. i think my ideal evening would be: go to the gym after work, go home and make dinner, stay in and watch a movie. i invited jacob and his roommates over for happy hour, but i'm hoping i can just push it back till tomorrow. the thought of drinking again tonight isn't making me very excited.

so nush - meet up later? rups, are you free? will you be able to join us?

light in your eyes

havent heard that song in forever...jules do you (and therefore I) have it?

for me the song was the usher one that chris sang :)

ato '04

i knew him!!!!
he came to my room!!!!!
really, he and i should have made out. why didn't we make out??? probably because i didn't think i could actually make out with a guy i had a crush on. DAMNIT! why didn't i just make a pass at him back then?! he was a freshman! he would have been excited to have a random sophomore girl jumping him!!!!!! did they tell you what he was up to these days? oh, johnny v . . . i told edgar that this guy named collins used to sing light in your eyes and it would make all the girls in the room cream in their pants. he was unimpressed.


do you still have a couch in your office? can i come over at like 1130 and take a nap???

i feel like crap.....

johnny v

devs roommates are 3 atos '04s, and i told them that the only 04 i knew was johnny v, and i didnt know him, i just wanted to know him :)

they laughed

a hug for nushie

:( :( :(
i'm sorry! i think he sounds a whole hell of a lot more high maintenance than you! i'm glad you got to go out and have fun, though. you've been working hard studying and that is bound to get to you. i'm glad you let yourself have a night off to hang out with friends, even if dev was a stupid head :( boys suck! i can't wait for you guys to get here next week!!! i'm going to leave early again today and i keep thinking why isn't it next week yet?!

my night

so, i got to stay home and organize :) i watched man on fire (not good) and cleaned out my closet (mostly) edgar dropped and added a class yesterday, so he got to play catch up and do a lab and a take home quiz he missed. i got to see him for like an hour - i met up with him at dennys while he grabbed some food and then i went with him to his school to finish the lab write up and slip it under his prof's door.
i KNOW i'm not hanging out with anyone tonight :) basically everyone i know works at restaurants, so they are all working. so, i think i'll finish putting away clothes and organizing and maybe take back empty bottles . . . i lead such an exciting life :) MAYBE i'll make it to the gym!
have you guys ever heard of thefacebook.com? its like freindster, only it divides everyone up by what college they are going to/went to. koo added herself and put up a pic from spring break with both her and i in it. i played around on it for a little while this morning, seeing who was on it. i was hoping for a ryan wagar or jamie brady or johnny v - someone i am almost sure i'll never see/speak to again . . . but no such luck.

i would love to

i would love to post the pic. i found one . . . but once again, blog hates me or my computer does . . .

i have the best friends

megan to add a little to rupas blog...

the night with the girls was great - and the best part is we are going to be doing that all next weekend WITH YOU TOO!!!!

but the night with the boy was not so good...hence the title of this blog....

the night for me started at 530 when jules and i drove for 2 hours to go get our haircut :) but it was def worth it and we will def do it again....ill send you pictures tonight when i get home - but he showed me how to make my hair curly!!! i love him :)

and what i wanted for the evening was to spend time with rupa julie and ameya and also with dev and his friends. i know that my friends would have gone wherever he was, and i told him that - all he had to do was call. and at 8 i called and was like im on my way back where are you? at 9 i called and was like im in the city and dont know where ims uppsoed to meet you so im going home. he texted me and was like i dont get reception here, ill call you in a few hours. i wrote back and said, i want to come with you! he wrote back and was like there isnt anyone here you wouldnt like it anyway, so i said fine, went home hung out with jackie and julie...ameya and rupa came to the apt...we went to one club, now 1130, still no call from dev...went to another club, now around 1 maybe, still no call. then he calls and is like im home, where are you? at the time i was already crying out side of a club wanting to just crawl into a ball and go home. he complains every day that i dont like his friends and i dont want ot hang out with them, when really how the hell is this my fault?? i keep trying and asking and begging for him to call me to see them and he doesnt call...

anyway we ended up at a club across the street from his apt so i called and told him that, he showed up and the second he got there was like i just want to go home, and i said fine, go, but i was mad at that point, and ready to call it a night, so i said bye to the girls, caught up with him, gave him a piece of my mind, told him i wanted to go home, be by myself, the cabby was really nice and was like sorry you are crying i dont have any tissues, i called chike on my way home cause i just wanted to feel appreciated - i wanted a guy to tell me that i wasnt high maintenance and that i was fun when we dated - cause dev thinks all this is high maintenance - all i wanted was for him to call me so i could go out with HIS friends???!? i dont get it....

ill prob blog a lot today cause my two bosses arent here.....

i want to just be home and asleep.....

Good morning!!

Megan- I had a fun night with these girls that involved drinking at their apt (and seeing the apt all setup).. going to one bar and watching really good breakdancers do their pop-locking thing :) and then out to a club that played real hip-hop. :)

Even though we all live in the same city, this was the first time in a long time that we all hung out. Yay!!


fine, so i'm not dressed up


but i'm still not dressed to go out to a bar or club or anything! yea, you have told me about jack. there's nothing wrong with hanging out with a male slut once in a while ;) i'm definitely going home and changing before i go out, though. i can just meet up with you guys. i'll also have a drink (or 2 or 3) at home so i won't have to buy myself any drinks tonight.

meg - never heard of a pomapoo. you should google it tomorrow and put a pic of it in our blog :)

oh, and did i mention i'm leaving?

'cause i am. leaving that it. yeah, leaving early ;)

i did say cute boy :)

ive told you about jack, havent i? he lives in jersey, works for IBM, basically has devs job at IBM, and is realllly cute. but also a male slut, but would prob be a realllly good male slut, so that makes it worth it right??

thats why i dressed up today - not cause he is a male slut but cause i didnt want to feel like i had to go home after work :)

arent your work clothes just jeans or something casual anyway?? i havent seen you have to look professional at work since they made you permanent :)


that's the breed of dog i think i want . . . or an italian greyhound. the pomapoo is a mix of pomerain and toy poodle - very affectionate, can be trained not to bark a lot, apartment friendly . . . and i saw some in the paper yesterday :)
the two drawbacks of italian greyhound - which is a really cool looking breed - is one, they can get skittish. and two they are really bad in cold weather - i saw a woman walking one in rochester and she said her son (the owner) has to put little booties on its feet to take it out in the winter, and the website i was reading recommended sweaters.
and i'd love to pick the puppy out with you guys, but i'd love to hang out with anusha when she is smiling and not freaked out more :)

nush - did you say cute guy?

i think i'd want to go home and get out of my 'work clothes' first. either way, it's no big deal. i'm fine with just figuring it out once we're back in the city.

im an idiot

haha so today since im all dressed up i wore my nice pointy shoes that i love...and i was sitting here with them off and just hanging out, doing my work, and steve (the asian kid i work with - do i have to keep explaining who these people are, or megan do you know the names by now??) asked if i told allen something, which i hadnt, so i was getting up to go tell him, and by accident i just slipped on one of these shoes that i wore this morning and one of the shoes that i just keep here for the normal days when i wear sneakers - and i couldnt figure out why i felt lopsided!!! then i looked down :) luckily i didnt go farther than my cube....

you rock!

thanks jules!!


i've never even heard of finger eleven.

the earlier the better for me too tonight.. but let me know what we end up doing :)


rupa - i thought you were going to a concert and we were goign to meet after that?

i sort of hinted to dev about manahatta...but he said since jack (the cute one in the band) is going to have all his equipment with him midtown, they will prob just hang out here...

rupa, if you are free at 9, im fine with meeting you guys first and then meeting him...i just thought since you were going to a concert, and he was goign to be right where we drop the car off seeing him first made sense....

anything works for me...

jules they are going to be at a place in midtown called lizard lounge, its part of a mexican rest and has a place for bands to play...looked ok online...not a place id want to go to on my own will, but seemed ok...

One Thing - Finger Eleven


Here you go rups:

Restless tonight
Cause I wasted the light
Between both these times
I drew a really thin line
It’s nothing I planned
And not that I can
But you should be mine
Across that line

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something

I promise I might
Not walk on by
Maybe next time
But not this time

Even though I know
I don’t want to know
Yeah I guess I know
I just hate how it sounds

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something

Even though I know
I don’t want to know
Yeah I guess I know
I just hate how it sounds

Even though I know
I don’t want to know
Yeah I guess I know
I just hate how it sounds

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something

If I traded it all
If I gave it all away for one thing
Just for one thing
If I sorted it out
If I knew all about this one thing
Wouldn’t that be something

Re: Meet

nush and i should be back in the city around 9ish. i was hoping we could meet up sometime around then. i didn't want to make this a very late night (although that never works).


i'm so jealous you're going to hawaii! studying on the beach is definitely the way to go. the only reason i passed 14.01 freshman year is cause i spent all of spring break reading the 14.01 book on the beach.

rupa - i don't know who sings that song but i know which song you're talking about. i watch mtv and vh1 in the mornings when i'm getting ready for work, so i'll keep my ears open.

nush - i think your things are getting posted right now. before, you'd posted somethign that showed up at like 1:05, but the time stamp on it said 1:47 or somethign like that . . .


what time are we thinking of meeting up? is going to be late? post-11pm?

i love puppies!

Girlsmeg, i'll go with you to pick out the puppy! i wish my roomie and my building allowed puppies ;) but i guess i kind of like anusha, so i'll keep her for now.

meg, i don't know if i'll be able to take anusha's books away from her for the weekend. i mean, if she doesn't get any study time in at least on the flight or something, then she'll probably just have to study more during the week! stupid test.

nush - just to warn you: i don't know at what time we're going out tomorrow. it might not be till pretty late. do you know where dev and his friends are going out tonight? maybe jackie and i can meet up with you guys. i want to meet his friends.

jackie and i had fun hanging out wtih dev last night, too. that's the beauty of having a real living room: it encourages us to hang out with each other instead of just watching tv in our own rooms!

i haven't tried out the sofa bed so i don't know how comfy it is. a couple of jackie's friends are spending the night tonight, so we'll get to test it out.

ugh! i want to leave in like an hour and a half and i still have work to do. blah. i was so productive today, too!

who sings this song?

it's a bit rocky/alternativey and on the radio a lot?

the chorus is:
"if i traded it ALL
if i gave it ALL
just for one thing..." The alls are really LONG...

i wont bring my books...

dont tell dev that though! he wasnt happy when i told him id prob bring my books to hawaii!!

although now he is happy - cause the cardinals will prob be in the playoffs, and their first round games will be when we were there, and he was flipping out today wondering how he was goign to watch the games when we were there...and i was like well just go to a bar wont it be on tv? and he was like yeah but youll get so mad if i watch baseball all day long...my response was, i love baseball, as long as you put wings in front of me :) and ill have to study some anyway, so if you are watching baseball it will be perfect time for me to study on the beach

if only i could always study on the beach...i think id never complain about all the studying...

rupa - im not sure that ill get to go to the concert, but i believe its from 9-11, its at lizard lounge, its his friend - jules - a cute boy who works for ibm :) reallly cute boy :) i just left it that id call him when we were on our way back, which is what i presume we are going to do with you and ameya too?

are my things getting posted at a normal time for you guys?? they show up for me right away, so i cant tell....

yay puppies

i like the mary kate and ashley idea :) did you have a dog growing up?

i made one of them cry.. she screwed up something really big- and when i mentioned it, was just a little too "whatever" about it. they are a little too easygoing with me... a little too willing to show that they aren't really concerned when they screw up something really big. so i called her into my office.. and basically tried to explain why what she did was a mistake.. and how she should tell me when something like that happens (basically she never told me.. i found out indirectly). and she started crying. don't feel bad for her.. she's not really the nice one in this case... she basically cried and then has gone back to not really listening to me.

anyway.. it's getting better. and i'm learning to be a tough guy :)

special request

julie, before you leave your apartment for rochester next week - HIDE ANUSHA'S STUDY STUFF! the plane ride is only an hour long and i don't want her distracted . . . she can go back to her boring self when she gets home ;)


Hi there :) I made it so that only one day shows up on the blog at a time. That way the main page isn't a ton to scroll through :) you can always click on archive if you want to read old stuff... but this will make our constant blogging easier to take.

can't wait to see you guys tonight. anusha- when do you think you'll be done with the concert in midtown? what concert is it anyway?

i decided to work from home today so that i could get more alone work done.. less talking to my team. it's hard getting a lot done in the office (hanging out with jules aside). it's nice though.. i'm sitting on my bed.. listening to my speakers really loud.. and can steal snacks from the fridge every once in a while.

i was venting before b/c even being far away i've had to answer all these questions that i haven't gotten much done.. but that's what the weekend will be before. i feel myself getting sucked back into my crazy hours.

i can't wait to see you megan.. i'm glad it's coming up so close.. and that we don't have a super long drive to bear :) it's ok if we can't do the winery... i would be just as happy telling stories and drinking boxed wine :)

i have to do this phone interview now.. but will write more later. happy thursday! it's already thursday!

puppies and coworkers

i want to get a puppy. i've officially decided. i was looking at the classified ads online in the local paper and i'm going to check the shelters as soon as i get someone to go with me :)
don't worry nushie - i will not get this puppy until after you leave :) and whenever i get it, it will be small so you never have to be scared of it :)

and i think they should be named mary kate and ashley. and i'm not their boss so i can name them and publish it :)

rups - how'd you make them cry???


I am their boss :) and would get in a lot of trouble for nicknaming them... especially on something that is published!

But my day has been fine... really busy.. even without being there. Gosh i hate email. More soon... I wish today were like yesterday!!

i dont know what takes so long for my things to post

i dont know why they take long to post...but i still like this better than email...

if you guys were going to try doritos or were curious, wouldnt you think the best person to ask would be me?1?!?!? i had them like 6 months ago when they first came out; i think they are gross :) to get a sense of how gross i think they are, if those are the only doritos there are (which happens a lot at duane reede) i just switch at get fritos! stick to the spicier nacho ones.....

rupa - why are you home?

jules - ill be there at 530...i hope everyone leaves here at 415 to go!! i may not go back to the apt after we drop off the car...dev is going to his friends concert here in midtown and i think it starts around when we get back...so i said id call him and if i get in touch with him ill go there, and then meet up with you guys after...i havent talked to ameya....

i should dress up more often - the guy at subway asked "do you want anything else beautiful?" and then when i was walking back from starbucks, the indian guy that i normally buy fruit from was like "you dont want anything", i just smiled sweetly and said no and kept walking, he called out "beautiful!" i turned around kind of surprised, and he goes "catch" and threw a banana at me - i was in the middle of the street! it was amusing - i smiled the whole walk back :)

i do like all the stuff in the family room - although i think its going to get some getting used to the maze it takes to now walk to our rooms! the room looks so tiny now!!! i didnt sit on the couch...you guys should just jump on it to soften it...have you opened it to see how the bed is?

dev said he had fun hanging out with you guys last night :) i told him we could all have fun together in december....

i also may bail on tomorrow night's gathering at home...esp if i see rupa and ameya tonight...ill prob just stay here till late and come home after you guys go out...

boa time zone

yay! looks like anusha's posting finally ocurred. yea, i don't know why my post came out a million times.

meg - what did the guacamole doritos taste like?? i've always been curious to know if they're any good or not, but i haven't been brave enough to try.
and what is it with you and libraries?? you're so strange. i've been so productive today! half my department should be out more often. and rupa should stay home! ;)

rups, how's your day going? matt bieber invited me to have lunch with him, cariann, and jennifer. i declined politely since i'd brought a sandwhich this morning. for the girls that don't know - matt is another recent grad that started working here a couple of months ago. he's a princeton grad - a really nice guy. meg, he reminds me of a golden retriever - just nice and happy and easy going and lovable. Cariann and Jennifer are 2 other new associates. they work for rupa in desrad, and they tend to be a pain in the ass. rupa made cariann cry the other day ;) rups - we need to come up with nicknames for them. can you think of 2 annoying sisters?


jules, i talked to my dad and he cant do anything unless you go see him as an official patient...he needs a record on file if he is going to make any claims like that...

the funny thing is mark is going to see him next week :) he is doing stuff in his house cause he is allergic to dust and if he has a doctors note saying that, then he can get insurance to pay a lot of the bill....he is going to go see him next week sometime :)


first of all, i can see julie's posting 4xs.
second of all, what is up with anusha's computer?! the reason everything is posting funny is because her posting time has not even occured yet according to my computer! it was like that with email too . . . her emails always had the most RANDOM times listed . . . is boa in its own time zone or something?!


i tried dorito guacomole chips . . . they were the most interesting looking option in the .30 chip section so i thought i'd give them a try. not really that good . . .

i really think today is the day i'm going to leave early, and i'll work tomorrow normal hours. i wanted to talk to gen about stuff and she left for class until after 4. . . and maybe i'll walk down the hall and see if i can talk to dorothy . . .

for now, i need to make another trip to the library! which i love, so eun goes crazy picking out articles and i go fetch them for her :) i've already done 2 today, and it looks like she's got 10 more waiting to be found :)

ahh - what did i do?


umm - so i don't know what i did wrong, but my new post got posted twice and under anusha's and the whole text is like a hyperlink or something. . .

RE: ballys and i'm here now

Re: ballys and i'm here now

hey nush - don't worry about the doctor's note. going all the way to ct to see your dad sounds like too much hassle. i should stick to ballys anyways since it's cheaper. thanks for asking, though!

did you like the way the living room looks?? the couch is a bit too hard still; we def need to break it in. it's so nice to be able to hang out in the living room now :) dev could also watch tv there when you're studying, so maybe that'll help you concentrate more.

rupa's floor is getting a ridiculously expensive cappuccino machine! so i wont have to go to starbucks anymore - i'll just need to take the elevator down to 33, and i can get coffee and hang out with rupa! that's going to be miserable.

nush - our car reservation is at 5:30. we need to pick up jetta jasmine on 55th street between 5&6 ave (Ultra Car Park Garage, on the north side of 55). i'll have driving direction to LI, so all you need to do is have as many drinks as you can from 4:30-5:30 :)

then we're meeting rupa and ameya for drinks. i told rupa she should meet us at our apt - we can have a drink there before we head out. does ameya know he's still hanging out with us tonight?


Re: ballys and i'm here now

hey nush - don't worry about the doctor's note. going all the way to ct to see your dad sounds like too much hassle. i should stick to ballys anyways since it's cheaper. thanks for asking, though!

did you like the way the living room looks?? the couch is a bit too hard still; we def need to break it in. it's so nice to be able to hang out in the living room now :) dev could also watch tv there when you're studying, so maybe that'll help you concentrate more.

rupa's floor is getting a ridiculously expensive cappuccino machine! so i wont have to go to starbucks anymore - i'll just need to take the elevator down to 33, and i can get coffee and hang out with rupa! that's going to be miserable.

nush - our car reservation is at 5:30. we need to pick up jetta jasmine on 55th street between 5&6 ave (Ultra Car Park Garage, on the north side of 55). i'll have driving direction to LI, so all you need to do is have as many drinks as you can from 4:30-5:30 :)

then we're meeting rupa and ameya for drinks. i told rupa she should meet us at our apt - we can have a drink there before we head out. does ameya know he's still hanging out with us tonight?


Re: ballys and i'm here now

hey nush - don't worry about the doctor's note. going all the way to ct to see your dad sounds like too much hassle. i should stick to ballys anyways since it's cheaper. thanks for asking, though!

did you like the way the living room looks?? the couch is a bit too hard still; we def need to break it in. it's so nice to be able to hang out in the living room now :) dev could also watch tv there when you're studying, so maybe that'll help you concentrate more.

rupa's floor is getting a ridiculously expensive cappuccino machine! so i wont have to go to starbucks anymore - i'll just need to take the elevator down to 33, and i can get coffee and hang out with rupa! that's going to be miserable.

nush - our car reservation is at 5:30. we need to pick up jetta jasmine on 55th street between 5&6 ave (Ultra Car Park Garage, on the north side of 55). i'll have driving direction to LI, so all you need to do is have as many drinks as you can from 4:30-5:30 :)

then we're meeting rupa and ameya for drinks. i told rupa she should meet us at our apt - we can have a drink there before we head out. does ameya know he's still hanging out with us tonight?


Re: ballys and i'm here now

hey nush - don't worry about the doctor's note. going all the way to ct to see your dad sounds like too much hassle. i should stick to ballys anyways since it's cheaper. thanks for asking, though!

did you like the way the living room looks?? the couch is a bit too hard still; we def need to break it in. it's so nice to be able to hang out in the living room now :) dev could also watch tv there when you're studying, so maybe that'll help you concentrate more.

rupa's floor is getting a ridiculously expensive cappuccino machine! so i wont have to go to starbucks anymore - i'll just need to take the elevator down to 33, and i can get coffee and hang out with rupa! that's going to be miserable.

nush - our car reservation is at 5:30. we need to pick up jetta jasmine on 55th street between 5&6 ave (Ultra Car Park Garage, on the north side of 55). i'll have driving direction to LI, so all you need to do is have as many drinks as you can from 4:30-5:30 :)

then we're meeting rupa and ameya for drinks. i told rupa she should meet us at our apt - we can have a drink there before we head out. does ameya know he's still hanging out with us tonight?

im here now...

if only that meant that i just woke up and got to work...

nope, ive been up since 6, showered, and studied all morning. i couldnt get anything done last night. i really need to come up with a more motivational study plan - having dev around is just not working. he is usually good about just watching tv and not distracting me, but last night, he was watching tv, got a phone call from a friend and talked to him for like 20 min, and was building julie and jackies tv stand...all in all too much noise to do anything. so i went to bed at 1030, and woke up at 615, got ready, got a lot of studying done. and was ehre at 830. went to a really good meeting this morning with allen - my boss, and steve, this asian guy i work with who if i didnt havea boyfriend i think would def break up with his girlfriend to ask me out :) anyway, i just got back and decided to blow off the conference iw as supposed to go to so i could have lunch with dev.

AND i talked to my mom!!! so after a miserable night, today is shaping out to be great :) got work done, talked to my mom for like 15 min, am meeting dev at 1230 for lunch. jules - the car is at 530 right?? also yesterday our sales guys told us they were taking us out for drinks today, and i was kind of bummed that i was going to be missing it to go get a haircut, but today i got an email saying drinks are at 430!!! so jules, i may just be a little tipsy when we meet up at 530 :)

i dont get fraps anymore either...i just cant spend that much money on coffee...jules - remember when we were at fleet and they gave me that 10 dollar thing for waiting so long?? i finally went to starbucks and changed it to a gift certificate so i can get 4 coffees :) but ive been good and not bought coffee all week....

AAANNNNDDD our tickets to hawaii came yesterday!!! well a copy of the e ticket, and all travel info for how much we get to spend each day (like 60 bucks/person/day...) and all the fun activities and stuff they have to offer all week :) i cant believe that is in 3 weeks!!

ok now i need to get through a few more emails before lunch....


i have not had a starbucks frap in months!
i don't really hit up convenience stores for drinks that much (none are *convenient*) so i just end up at local coffee shops. starry nights (the place i took anusha) has the best fraps around, but spin's are ok - and much much closer to my apartment. just straight coffee, i got to cibon. later at night with edgar, i go to java's . . . just to outline what a coffee shop WHORE i've become :)

so, i'll be repeating the experiment again next week - so i'm trying to troubleshoot over the next 2 days and fix inaccuracies. so, i'm going to have to talk to people i don't know. the first on the list is dorothy, who has sort of done this before. she seems really nice, but i just don't know her and feel sort of guilty monopolizing her time! i just want to know - in detail - what she did and used and what problems she came across that i should watch out for. is that too much to ask? :)

that should at least take me through the rest of today. then i'll just show up and keep my seat warm tomorrow and leave early :) or maybe leave early today . . . since today i think i will be hanging out with my boyfriend.

i talk too much . . .

oooh - i almost forgot

meg - i have a mocha frappuccino sitting in front of me, so of course it made me think of you! our company is spread out through different floors, and the kitchen in the 15th floor has frappuccinos! the only thing that sucks is that getting to the 15th floor is a pain in the ass cause you need to take the elevator to the lobby, go to the other elevator bank, then take it up to 15. and also, when you're there, everyone kind of just stares as you 'cause you walk in, make a beeline for the kitchen, then walk out. and if you're really luck, you might even run into eddie torres! (he's some sketchy guy that creeped me out at the xmas party last year, and then rupa ended up making out with him).

anyways, the whole point of this was just to say that i'm thinking of megan since i'm having a frappuccino :)

raving about ryan

oh, you'll get to meet him!
want to hear how nuts i am? i'm going to check his schedule so that he's there when we got to chang's on saturday :) the wine tour looks like its falling through. i told edgar he didn't need to drive us around because jess was planning a big thing. well, jess dropped the ball. so, we might just have to spend time with each other sober :)

looking forward. . .


yea, new years is way too far ahead to plan right now. i'm just excited about going to rochester in about a week :)

meg - i haven't heard you rave about ryan in a while. am i still going to get to meet him??

don't know if I'm having a party...

I will if megan's gonna be in NYC :) but we'll see... haven't really
thought about it.

jules I hope you make it to colombia!!! I hate the idea of that too...
but they are always better with all the asia tickets we've gotten too

rupa's having another new years party??

last year's party is going to be a tough act to follow ;)

actually, i'm not so sure i'm going to colombia anymore. i looked online for flights briefly yesterday, and they were like $1500! (departing from nyc). my mom had found fares for $550 leaving from miami, so if i tack on another $150 for a flight from nyc to mia, then that's more affordable. i need to call a travel agent today and try to figure all this stuff out. i dont like the fact that i have to use a travel agent! i'm def from the generation that just uses the internet to do everything. but for some reason, flights to colombia are much cheaper if you go through an agency, and my mom's travel agent in miami says that he can't get me good fares from nyc, so i just need to do it here. . .

blah blah blah. sorry, i know that's probably more detail than you needed to know about my travel arrangements.

meg - you should just start getting to work earlier, that way you won't have problems parking ;)
did you and jessie sign another 1 year lease? when we move out of our apt, i think we're going to have to leave the couch for the next tenants! it was such a mission getting it in the apt! our door and hallway/stairway are VERY narrow. oh well, it looks good, though :)

parking SUCKS

so, for the third day in a row i'm parked illegally. that was how my morning started . . .
i checked out my experiment yesterday and it went sort of right, sort of wrong . . . so, i'm doing it again on monday to see whether the right is really right and the wrong is really wrong. gotta love science :)
basically, i think the next 2 days will just be wasting time again. i'm starting to collect a lot of paper, so i'm going to organize my desk.
last night, my boyfriend didn't want to hang out with me. he had some reading he needed to do for class and i think he was annoyed that i didn't talk to him on tuesday until 9:00 and it might have had something to do with that . . . but mostly, he is trying to be super student this term so he's doing a lot of class work.
instead, i watched a little of passions of christ (sooo long. i don't reccommend it) and all of reign of fire (the ending sucked) and i picked up the living room a little. it is going to be such a pain in the ass when we move out . . . we've collected so much stuff. plus, i'm in the midst of cleaning out my closet (and drawers and trunk and all the other random places i have my excessive amount of clothes i never wear stashed) to get rid of all the stuff i never touch. jessie was my judge the other day and she was like um, when's the last time you wore that? to everything. things over a year got put in the to give away pile.
jules - i'm excited you are going to colombia! but this means you can't attend rupa's new year's party!!! :) :)

Good morning!

hi ladies! i got to work before 8:30 this morning. crazy, huh?? and i'm hyper. jackie made us breakfast this morn (scrambled eggs with cheese, toast with butter and jam . . . yummy). maybe i'd have more energy if i had a real breakfast every day. ehh.

anyways, i was so sad cause i tried to check the blog as soon as i got up and it wasn't working for some reason :(. but now it's up again so i'm all good. nush and i are getting haircuts today. of course, nyc doesn't have enough good hairdressers, so we're going all the way to long island for our cut. we're using zipcar for the first time, so we're taking jetta jasmine out for a spin ;)

oh yea, i got drunk dialed last night. joey called me at like 3am. i just looked at my phone and went back to sleep - i was exhausted. he didn't leave a message (that could have been entertaining). he's weird - i can't tell if he's into me or not (which makes me think he's not). i don't know - i still had fun tuesday night. even if nothing happens, he's just fun to hang out with.

meg - how was your quiet evening at home with your boyfriend??



Hey there :)

I missed you girls leaving work (and anusha's coming and leaving). We could not use the comments- it's supposed to be that if each entry is about a new topic then you respond to the topic, but it would be easier to just keep scrolling.

the blog actually archives after each month, but we could have it do it after each week so that the page doesn't get so long. i'll change that. the refresh thing is a bit more complicated- you can't have it just refresh every time you open it- i'd have to put it on a timer to just refresh every 15 seconds or something... otherwise it's just a product of the user's browser- let me see what i can do...+-

i think im going to go home soon too...

i cant even keep my eyes open....

and the thought of doing more work after listening to managers for over 7 hours is not appealing!!!

i agree with nus

i don't like having to look for comments! i don't think we should use the comments thing.

the trip to spain got canceled. the art exhibit my dad was doing in spain got moved to germany, and i guess my parents weren't as excited about going there. also, going to colombia would be a lot less cheaper, and neither of them have been in a while, so they're excited about doing that.

i'm bored, i think i'm leaving soon and going to the gym. today's the really good step and pilates class that i really like. i haven't been to it in over a month! i'm excited :) after that, i'm looking forward to just going home and relaxing. oh yea, and jackie and i still need to put together that tv stand. blah. megan and rupa - you guys need to come see our apt soon! it's going to look so good now with all my dads pics up and the couch and tv stand :)

can you set this page so it automatically refreshes?

jules, what happened to spain?

i dont think i like this blogging thing...i keep having to read each message again to see if there are comments!!!

i think im just tired...

what do you guys think?

so, i don't like having to click to see comments. i think it's easier if we all just create a new post whenever we're going to add or comment on something - that way there's no clicking involved. i like scrolling better than clicking. and then you don't have to go searching to see if anyone has added comments - this way, all the new entries are there for everyone to see immediately.

what do you all think?

im here :)

hey girls...

i think what i gathered from all that is that we have a couch, julie had fun last night (both of which i already knew), if we use this rupa will actually respond!!, and megan is already home?!?!?!

im exhausted...todays conference was from 8-3, then i went to the gym, and got here around 430....

im having dinner with ellen, and dev is going to our apt to watch baseball :) thats my update....

woo-hoo! i'm going to colombia :)

the big boss just gave me the ok, so i'm taking a 2 week vacation! i'm sooo excited. i'll probably go from dec. 20th - jan 2nd. it's going to be non-stop partying for 2 weeks :)
i think my parents will probably go for 3 weeks. . .

You're a hot pice of ass


so that was the smooth pick up line some guy thought would work on me yesterday. after joey left, i hung out with jackie and some guys she was talking to. i have no idea who they are or what they look like or anything. at the end of the night, they offer us a ride home, so we all pile into their benz. i'm sitting shotgun with one of the guys, when he says "you're a hot pice of ass." his buddy hit him immediately and was like "dude, don't say that to her, give her a little bit of respect." jackie and i just looked at each other and started cracking up. guys are so dumb :)

this blogging thing is addicting. need to stop now. must do some work. . .

Girls: Pics my dad took this weekend

Girls: Pics my dad took this weekend

Pics my dad took this weekend


Hurricane Ivan

Girls: how

Good night!

i'm tired. its 3:00 and time for me to leave!
Rupa - AWESOME job on our blog :) i look forward to many more blogging days in the future ;)


he is talking to me and wants to read our blog!
why do random people talk to me?


where's anusha?????
i thought her converence wasn't until 11? or maybe today is the earlier day . . .


the blog just disappeared!


how do you add pics?

can also add pictures :)

Look, you can also add pictures!! Here is Jules's work picture in our facebook. Does she look summery?? :)

are there results?

i get to go see whether what i've been doing for the last - actually, week . . . worked. i'm thinking it didn't. i'm tired and not sure if i care.

where are you?!

ok, i'm here checking the blog. the only person that could possibly have been at work later than me was rupa (i was here until 3am, beat that!)


late nights at the lab

its 11:00. I will probably be here until . . . possibly 1:00. And I will be back in the lab for a 10:00am meeting with Eun tomorrow. I kind of want to be here early tomorrow so that 1. i get a parking space (i didn't this morning) and 2. i can put in a full 8 hours tomorrow to save up my extra hours tonight to have an excuse to leave early on Thursday (which edgar has off and jessie doesn't - i think - which means i can guilt free spend a whole evening with my boyfriend) i'm thinking long walk, movie, coffee . . . the works!
have you guys ever heard of happy bunny? i think it might just be a hot topic thing, but i LOVE it! its little bunny cartoons that are just hugely inappropriate. i bought myself a bright pink wristband that says "cute but pyscho" its my little *feel better* article these days.
i think i ate too much and then drank coffee that wasn't very good and now i don't feel good.
i think those are all my updates for the moment. i brought a book to entertain myself . . . maybe its time to read . . .