
updates and responses

well my first order of business was to skim my 300 emails...which got boring after about 5, so i started to read the blog while i ate my dinner/breakfast/whatever hell meal it is when your body is at a 2 am timezone and you have eaten gross plane food (or havent eaten gross plane food and therefore havent eaten much but crackers for 20 hours....) anyway, now i finished my wonderful eggs and turkey bacon :) and am still working through my coffee...

quick highlights: i had sooo much fun with chike :) there are more details to come but in another blog...every part of the trip was fun. except for the night i went out with chike, i was in bed at around 10 every night and was up at 7 or so to go sightseeing every day. i even got to study a lot on the trains (each day about 2 hours on a train or so to get from place to place - japan is smaller than cali but we did the about 3/4 of the main places in the 8 days...). thats good cause now im mostly caught up which means i can hang out with my roommates and go to rupas party on friday :)

here are my comments on the blog: (and i read everything in less than 30 min, rups have you read everything yet???)

dean: megan i think esp in college there were just too many people that you valued too much and that you gave too much credit to when really you were the one making all the effort. i think most of the frat guys were like that. but thats ok, you realize who your true friends are in due time...this coming from the pessimistic one- relationships i had like the one you had with dean def make me sad, but then you look at the relationships that didnt end up like that and it makes up for it.... bryan wasnt that bad :)

random PR gossip (stemming from the juancho conversation)- did i tell you guys marlene got married? when i was in PR? JO called me to go out with them that night apparently (them = every PR we know from school including juancho (who lives in PR) except Luis....he was pissed...surprise surprise...) i obviously didnt go.

ice skating: i really want to go!! dev said hed take me on monday then go home and cook dinner for me. im not sure, but apparently he has something all planned out...we shall see...

super bowl - i saw it on a remote island in japan! how weird...sashank and i were bummed that we wouldnt get to see it but then we got off this boat and were supposed to go see another shinto temple, but instead there was a HUGE flat screen TV at the docking place, so we watched the fourth quarter. he was bummed but it was still fun...

jules - i cant wait to meet your kid :) she sounds just like you! and tell joe not to forget about the other roommate! just cause i was gone for a week doesnt mean he should forget me! :)

megan - your pay it forward idea is really cute :) and to better society, the check i sent to arjun and avinash was for 650! granted most was from other people, but 150 was from me...plus bank of america will match it 1:1 if they fill out their portion...

ok back to my boring emails...then ill blog more about the trip...