
wonderful entertainment :)

i'm really excited for you with julia! what illness does her mom have? so - i'm volunteering at an animal shelter, jules is being a big buddy - what are rupa and anusha doing to better societ? :)

i'm glad you are enjoying getting spoiled by joe :) i hope you are enjoying it being joe as much as the being spoiled part. and i see nothing wrong with making use of the connections made during your time in nyc. its not like you are taking advantage of anyone or allowing them to spend their last dime on you when it was meant to go towards their sick baby's medicine. just remember what you are getting and "pay it forward" - it could be so cute! the morning after you go out with the guys and spend nothing on drinks, you should give the first homeless person you see money! and always (over)tip the guy you get coffee from in the morning! (think about it - he's saving you $2 or $3 by not going to starbucks - he'll still be saving you $1 or $2 if you give him a buck :) )