

is at big wong's.. this place that is supposed to be good at mott and canal. so yeah i'll be around there :) nush - if you do want to skip pilates.. you should just come to dinner. this is basically a few work people who are the happy fun kind and kate's college friends who are fun.. i think you'd like them :) i think big wong's is chinese.

let me know.. otherwise i'll be free at 9 and can meet up. i don't want to be out too late but we can do something.. jules will you be at dinner still then?

good luck megan!!! i'm sure you won't see this till later but we love you and you are gonna be AWESOME tomorrow (glad to hear the girls are being supportive).

i'm slipping on the whole holding up thing... for the most part i've been ok at being fine and happy and not missing him but man.. i do miss him :) not even the quasi-whatevership that we are in since i talked to him, i just miss his being around.