
food coma

i just had a 2.5 hour lunch with all the other assistants in SG (as a welcome lunch to 2 new people we hired). we went to ruby foos, a chinese fusion place. i had yummy passion fruit cosmos, but now i'm SLEEPY. and there's so much work to be done. fun fun.

nush, i can't believe you'll be FREE in a few days! friday night jackie and i are going to a party with all the hamptons people (rupa, i know you can barely contain yourself). 2 of the connecticut guys wanted to spend the night, but you'll be happy to know that jackie vetoed that so that you can get a full night's rest before your test. will you be at the apt friday night? i promise we won't have any people over :)

is saturday the night we're all having dinner? i read all the blogs yesterday to catch up, but now i'm confused and don't remember exactly what the weekend plans were. . .

i'm so looking forward to the weekend :)